Wednesday, September, 18th; plateau of the Mamutica building; 18.00 h; 40 minutes; 4+; nonverbal
Non-verbal puppet clown show
The play LiLa was co-produced by the Puppetry Organisation We Really Need (LOFT) from Zagreb and the CLOU Art Organisation from Rijeka. It is based on Nina Sabo’s picture book of the same name, which tells the adventures of the clown LiLa, who discovers that her nose changes colour by itself.
With its playful style, it aims to bring children closer to the figure of the clown and let them know how similar it really is to them – a clown sleeps, eats breakfast, brushes its teeth, tries to calculate mathematical equations skilfully, and does it all in a peculiar way, using clown logic.
Guided by the motto “less is less and more is just enough,” LiLa cheerfully goes through life and wants to encourage her little audience members to see themselves and the world with eyes wide open and a lot of imagination, just as she does.
The Puppetry Organisation We Really Need – LOFT was created at the beginning of 2012 out of the need and desire to work, create change, experiment, and explore puppet theatre and theatre for children and young people. It wants to turn underestimated puppetry into a full-fledged member of contemporary theatre, keep children in puppet theatre, and bring the charms of this art form to adult audiences. In its projects, LOFT wants to show that puppetry art is the right place to connect various arts: theatre, fine arts, music, and dance. In its nine years, it has had eleven premiere titles, five of which were own productions and six were co-productions.
LOFT’s mission is to educate the theatre audience about puppetry’s aesthetic, educational and formative importance within the national theatre system.